In the novel Twilight, a man named Rudy Salas tells of his
story during the LA Riots. This man was
beaten so harshly that he has to now wear a hearing aid because the police men
destroyed his eardrums. This is
ridiculous! What kind of police action is this? Oh I know because the man was a
“minority”?? What is minority anyways?? Everyone who is not blonde haired and
blue eyed?? And to think this is still happening today, everyday!
We also read, an interview with Sergeant Duke who speaks of
how his officer Powell did not know how to use the baton correctly?? Sergeant
Duke was acquitted on the trial of Rodney King.
Oh cool, the police men are free to go
because they didn’t know howwww to use their baton corrrectly? Wow.That’s just great!
Josie Morales was an actual witness of the beating between Rodney and the grusome officers. She watched the beating in horror right next to George Holiday (the guy recording the video) and explains how wrong, how cruel the beating was. The novel really made me think more in depth about how serious being racist, prejudice can really get, and the outcomes of the hate.
From Twighlight:
After this showing of the tape in the Washington production,
performed the character of Josie Morales, a woman who
witnessed King's beating:
I was scheduled to testify/.. .because I had a lot to say/and during
the trial I kept in touch with the/prosecutor,/Terry
White,/... I
"Well, are you going to call me [to the witness stand] or 128 Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism
"Well, are you going to call me [to the witness stand] or 128 Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism
not? And he says, .. . "I don't think we're going to be
you—/And I faxed him a letter/and I told him that those
were going to be acquitted/and one by one I explained these
things to him in this letter/and I told him, "If you do
not put
witnesses/if you don't put one resident and testify to say
they saw,"/And I told him in the letter/that those
officers were
going to be acquitted./But I really believe that he was dead
on that video/and that the video would tell all,/but, you
see, the
video doesn't show you where those officers went/and assaulted
Rodney King at the beginning
Rodney King at the beginning
Well, since I believe that people are people, there is bound to be bad police just like there are bad people in other positions of authority all around the world. Those men should have never become police officers to begin with. Also, you are right that things have not got much better for minorities in Los Angeles. The problems that you see from police officers behavior are just the symptoms of the bigger problems of society, poverty, hopelessness, lack of jobs, drug use and of course racial inequality.